Document management

With Growee, you can upload and manage documents for each employee. We offer the ability to generate, preview, and download all employee documents.

- Document management

Manage employee documents more easily with Growee. The organization and filters provided by the app allow you to store documents for each individual employee. Each employee or collaborator can access their own documents at any time.

Employee list

Manage your documents

With Growee, you can upload and manage documents for each employee. We offer the ability to generate, preview, and download all employee documents.

Edit document template

Document generating

Using document templates, you can automatically or manually generate employee documents such as leave requests, minutes, contracts, annexes, and other types of documents.

Document expiration date

Expiration notifications

Have you ever looked for expired contracts or documents? Growee allows you to set expiration dates for documents and sends automatic reminders, so you know which documents need renewal.

call to action

Are you ready for a new experience?

You can try Growee for free for up to 3 employees. No credit card required.

Try Growee today

Frequently asked questions

    • Why store documents in Growee instead of Google Drive/Microsoft OneDrive?

      Document management in Google/Microsoft Drive can be cumbersome and lacks transparency in certain cases. In Growee, each employee has access to their own documents, and the document templates offer the possibility of automatic or manual document generation, a process that consumes much more time with Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive. Additionally, we offer document templates that you can use whenever needed.

    • How many documents can I upload for an employee?

      As many as necessary. Growee scans documents for viruses before storage and encrypts them to ensure the highest security and to keep your documents safe.

    • Who can see employee documents?

      HR, Manager, and Admin roles have access to all documents of all employees. The employee role can only see their own documents.